Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Often, when I write my children or good friends, I simply label the e-mail "Stuff." Well that's what this is--random thoughts and comments about not much. I haven't posted in a couple of days, and I'm well aware of that. I just didn't have much to say. Super Bowl is always a boring day for me--I mean, come on, day-long pre-programming on NBC? And moving the time of Meet the Press, one of my favorites? I kept NBC on muted much of the afternoon to try to catch the Obama interview, finally decided to take a nap, and when I woke up, there it was. I was glad I caught it, and particularly glad to hear his tales about family life in the White House. I heard him again tonight in an interview with Brian Williams, where he took full responsibility for the gaffs that resulted in the withdrawal of two of his nominees, including Tom Daeschle, who I always thought was one of the good guys. What I liked a whole lot was that he said he took full responsibility--he admitted his error, something we never saw from our previous president.
Charles came for dinner Sunday night, and we had a pleasant visit. I fixed scallops, with stir-fried vegetables--grape tomatoes, sugar snap peas, and asparagus. Tonight, Jordan, Christian, and Jacob joined me, and I fixed shepherd's pie--Jacob loved it, and Christian said he did too, but he picked all the green peas out.
I've been proofing the final set of pages of my cookbook memoir-and I'm embarrassed at the things I missed the first time around, including some recipe directions. But it's done now. I'll fax the corrections in tomorrow and take responsiblity for errors that appear.
This morning I decided being in a blue funk was not a good way to live, and so I talked myself out of it. Had a busy morning at work--conference with my boss, the dean of the library, and heavy talk about budgets. So tonight I set about the task of carving $1900 out of my already slim budget. I plan to present it at staff meeting tomorrow and get opinions, before I turn it in. Running the finances is my least favorite part of my job. Next I have to turn my attention to what can legitimately come out of carryover. I'd really rather be writing food articles and mysteries, thank you.
Tomorrow we go to look at possible autograph party sites for our September title, Calvin Littlejohn: Portrait of a Community in Black and White. Littlejohn photographed the black community in Fort Worth from the '40s through the early '90s, and his is an invaluable record. I've wanted to do this book for 20 years and am delighted that with the Center for American History at UT-Austin, this is coming true (they hold the archive of most of his photos). Bob Ray Sanders, a Star-Telegram officer and columnist, put the text together for us, identified far more people than I thought he could, and will take us on a tour tomorrow. This is a book I'm really excited about.
Meantime, I've got a new issue of Bon Appetit to prowl through, so excuse me, please.

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