Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fridays--end of the week

Jacob is asleep. He apparently took a bad fall in the playground at school today, and though his mom said he had a bruise and not to make a big deal of it, I couldn't see it. But he did keep putting his hand to his forehead. Having not too long ago bruised my own forehead, I understand how he felt. But he was a couch potato from the moment he got here--lay on the daybed and watched DVDs. When I fixed his dinner, he got up, sat at his little table instead of with me, and ate a few bites. Then it was back to the daybed, and I had to chase the cat away from his chicken. I ended up eating his carrots.--I love cooked carrots with butter and a bit of brown sugar. So about eight, I thought I'd brush my teeth, clean my face, and we'd both go to bed early (I napped this afternoon and had the hardest time making myself get up--I swear I could have stayed there all evening!). While I had a mouth full of toothpaste, Jacob appeared in the bathroom, as lively as could be, wanting to discuss many topics. I promptly dripped toothpaste on my sweatshirt which led him to ask, "What happened, Juju?" So we played and cajoled, and I finally got his diaper changed and pajamas on. He didn't want more milk, but he wanted a treat, so I gave him a small bowl of cinnamon toast cereal crisps, which he loves. When I suggested he get the stool and climb into his bed, he did so willingly, but kept waving me away. "No, Juju, no." I stood by in case he tumbled the wrong way, but he tumbled into his bed--rather hard. So now, on the monitor, I can hear him moving around but no complaints.
I got going like a house afire this morning and went to the grocery a little after 7:30--no perishables except tuna salad, which I put in the fridge at work. We had our every-so-often Absolutely Amazing Book Sale today. We get a bunch of damaged books from A&M and sell paperbacks for one dollar and hardbacks for two. There were some really good bargains there, but we didn't sell as many of those as we did our active books in print, which were 20% off. (Considering that if we sell them in a bookstore, we give a 45% discount, this was a deal for us.) We had about twenty people come by, not as many community people as in previous years, but I think we made a bit of money.
Somehow on Fridays I'm always tired. The world has been too much with me this week--dinner guests Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Jacob tonight. Plus my Kindle froze which was a great trauma, though I called their help number and it ws fixed quite quickly. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a lazy weekend. Tomorrow I have nothing to do but one grocery trip and then work on my mystery. I'm really looking forward to it.

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