Monday, February 22, 2010

Now, what was on my mind . . . ?

Today was a stay-at-home day. My lunch plan cancelled, and I dug in and read a novel in manuscript that had been submitted to TCU Press. Feel like I've had a crash in driving a long-haul truck, but it was interesting stuff. In the afternoon I took a nap, and as I drifted off, I had a great thought about what I was going to blog about tonight, something philosophical and deep. Alas, when I woke up the thought was gone.
But I spent much of the evening exploring the Story Circle Network web site--since 1997, the SCN has been offering online classes to help women write about various aspects of their lives. The SCN was the brainchild of Susan Wittig Albert, a multi-faceted writer who does mysteries (the China Bayles herb series) but also wrote a book called Writing from Life. I taught non-credit classes from that book two or three times, probably almost 15 years ago, and they were a hoot. Some women still come up to me to say they were in one of the classes and how much they enjoyed it. Writing from life is like loosening the flood gates to release thoughts, experiences, and so forth that you've kept bottled up inside. Today, it's sort of like blogging, and one of the classes they suggest is on blogging. Check it out yourself at
I decided it would be fun to teach a class for them, but when I explored their proposal site I found it was a lot more complicated than just checking a "Yes, I want to teach" box. You have to come up with a course outline, synopsis, methodology, etc. So I'm going to study on it for a few days. Susan Wittig Albert suggested I might like to teach a "kitchen table" class--compiling a cookbook, since I've done that in Cooking My Way Through Life with Kids and Books. I like the idea. I also like the idea of teaching a short course on blogging. I could get some help from Sue, my soon-to-be ex-neighbor, who follows a wide variety of blogs plus writes an interesting one--google A Replete Life for Sue's take on the world.
Anyway, I feel that exploring the SCN website has led me to another new, and quite complex, world of social networking, and I like it. Paid my dues tonight. Going to explore more on classes to suggest, but I can always write about food.
Snow tomorrow. Don't know if it will be another homebound day or not. Betty and I are supposed to go to dinner,but we'll see. Which reminds me, I have the television on but muted, glancing every once in a while at the ski jumping. It is purely amazing what some of those athletes can do. I'm not a fan of watching sports on TV, even the Olympics, but this surely draws my attention.

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