Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday night supper

This is unapologetically a cooking blog (it's not called Judy's Stew for nothing!). In my family when I was young Sunday night supper was special. Dad built a fire in the fireplace, and Mom wheeled the teacart in front of it. They sat in their chairs, and my brother and I perched on footstools around the table. We had supper, not dinner--a spinach souffle (how John hated that!), a cheese strata, something simple. I often feel the urge to cook something special for myself on Sunday night, though I go beyond Mom's simple supper.
Today I went to Central Market, but I couldn't decide between Dover sole and lamb chops, so I bought both. Tonight I mashed that lone potato that had been looking at me--the mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner were so good I wanted more--and heated up a small bit of creamed corn that was in the fridge. Then I made a blue cheese salad. But the piece de resistance was the sole--I lightly floured it, sauteed it in butter and olive oil, and then poured lemon juice into the drippings and put that over the fish--such a treat.
It would be a perfect meal if topped off with Hagen Daz extra light mint chocolate chip ice cream, but I can't get Central Market to carry it any more. Oh well, I don't need dessert anyway. Back to my book explaining vaccines to third graders--yikes! And tomorrow, after this lovely holiday where I've slept sinfully late every morning, it's back to working out at 6 a.m. and going to the office by 8. Thank goodness Christmas looms.

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