Sunday, November 11, 2007

A decadent Sunday and other pleasures

This has been a decadent Sunday. Jordan and I took Jacob to breakfast at Lucille's Stateside Bistro. In a restaurant, Jacob is sort of like a political candidate--he smiles and waves at everyone with complete confidence that the only reason they are there is to see him. He paid little attention to his food until we were through--and then he decided to eat everything in front of him. This afternoon I had a bit of wine and chocolate and a nice nap, and then tonight I had a sip of wine on the front porch with my neighbor--it's as warm as early September but the early dark makes you know winter is coming even if the temperature doesn't. Tonight I plan to finish the Margaret Truman novel I started yesterday--yeah, a decadent but lovely Sunday.
I'm in an accomplishing mood, after being sure Christmas would sneak up on me unawares. My freezer now holds a cheeseball and two sets of cookies; my Christmas card envelopes are addressed, as are the envelopes for a Christmas party; Christmas presents are spread out on the guest bed, waiting to be wrapped--Jordan will come Tuesday to get down my Christmas stuff. In turn I'll feed her salmon and broccoli--she's on South Beach. And I did a lot of those little things that boggle this weekend--packed up some of Jordan's china so I could put the new china I bought on that shelf, found a place for some new books, and swore that I would weed my bookcase. I am being overrun with books--and parting with any one is so hard!
What mood I'm not in is a go-to-church mood, and I'm a bit puzzled about that. It's not a lack of faith or a change in faith, and I am well aware that faith is best nurtured in a community of faith. I know those arguments and believe them, and I value the support and warm friendship I feel at my church. Yet I can find more things to do on Sunday. I think a real part of it is that I am tired of going to church alone. Someday, I'm sure, Jordan and Christian will put Jacob in Sunday school, and start going to church--you can't put a child in church without attending yourself--and I have friends who intend to start going to my church. When they do maybe I will. Meantime, my conscience bothers me--but not enough. I've talked to the Lord about it but I have no idea what his response is.
Busy week coming up with lots of work at the office but not many extracurricular activities, which is good. Oh, yes, TCU Press had a signing yesterday--13 of the 14 contributors to Grace & Gumption: Stories of Fort Worth Women were in Barnes & Noble signing the book. We sold an astounding 72 copies in the first hour, sent out for another 12 copies, and sold all but two of those. Read about it at
Have a blessed week.

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