Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Following Your Passion

A young man whose face and name have become famliar on local NBC TV newscasts has announced he will leave his television career to tour with a rock band that plays a funky mixture of reggae, rock, and calypso. He says the people at the station were wonderful and supportive, but his parents were less enthusiastic and his mother expects him to turn into a "dreadlocked, crazed man." I can understand his parents' concern, but he's young, apparently unfettered so far, and he's taking a now-or-never chance. More power to him. Sometimes I wish I had done that. The announcement this morning got me to thinking about all the times I've taken the safe, "wise" course. There was one big time when I truly didn't follow my heart, and I've wondered many times in the years and years since what my life would have been like if I hadn't be too fearful to take that leap. Those that held me back were sure they were helping me, but sometimes I'm not so sure.
Would I take that kind of a leap today? I'd love to think once again unfettered I might--but the truth is my passion is right where I am. What would I run to? I have my family--the most important thing to me--my home, my job, my writing. If I had to take a leap to recover those things, yes I'd do it in a heartbeat. But go for something new? No, I'm too lucky to be living my passion.
Hats off and Godspeed to Nigel Wheeler. Check out his band at www.myspace.com/egressmusic.

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