Sunday, September 12, 2010

A peaceful Sunday

Sundays should indeed be peaceful days of rest and mine was, though the good Lord knows I needed it after last night's adventure with Jacob. My night with Jacob didn't end with finding him under the dining table and getting him to bed. He had to get up to pee, he had to get up to bring me the model horse he'd told me to take back to the office (I do NOT take orders from a four-year-old well). Finally, he was asleep, and I was just drifting off--when he fell out of bed. He cried, I loved on him and hoisted back into bed, by which time he was sound asleep. In fact, I don't think he ever really woke up, because this morning he vehementaly--and with some anger--said he dreamt he fell out of bed, but he really didn't--I love the way he says didn't, drawing it out into an emphatic three-syllable word.. We made our way through fruit yogurt and two waffles, he played, I read the paper, and all was well. When his mom arrived, we took a batch of muffins and a rubber duckie to welcome the new neighbors next door (they have a two-year-old). Nice people, and I'm so glad to have neighbors again. Then I gave Jordan and Jacob lunch and shooed them out. Read, had a good long nap, and went to friends' for dinner. We talked about the dangers of religious extremism, but for the three of us to have that conversation is truly preaching to the choir. It was a Sunday to be savored.
Just finished Mint Julep Murder by Carolyn Hart in her Death on Demand bookstore mystery series. It's one of the earlier ones but one that I apparently missed. As always it was excellent, and I for one didn't suspect the solution until the very end. But even beyond the mystery is the fact that Hart creates a group of characters you like and care about, and if you read several of her books, they become old friends.
Now I'm going to start a new book, Holy Guacamole, recommended by author Marcia Daudistel of El Paso. Nancy Fairbanks is an El Paso author who writes, among other things, culinary mysteries--my favorite kind. I read the free sample that Kindle offers--I love that service because it's saved me from paying for some mysteries I wouldn't read--but this time I was intrigued by the opening. So I'm looking forward to it.
Back to work tomorrow.

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