Sunday, August 22, 2010

And the heat goes on . . . .

104 yesterday, the same or higher today, 104 again tomorrow for the first day of school. It's brutal, and it was a good day to stay inside, which I did only venturing out to water plants and take care of Scooby, who spent most of the day inside. After proofing that history of the osteopathic college online, I gave myself a vacation and spent much of yesterday reading a novel. Tonight I am closing in on the end of it. Today I also read the Sisters in Crime Summit Report on digital publishing--a team visited Amazon, Google, Smashwords, and Apple iBookstore. Each has a different niche and approach, but these are energetic, enthusiastic people, not just techies but people who love books, and they are changing the way we will all read, write and publish. It's a question of keeping up with the rapidly changing technology, and I already feel behind. Resolve: to straighten out the issue of rights to the fiction I published in the '90s and see about reversion of rights where necessary. I am anxious to get them in e-book form.
Last week when I mentioned to Jordan I had a long empty weekend coming up, she said, "Let's get Jay and Susan to come for an early happy hour Sunday." So I invited them for five o'clock. Then Jordan announced that Christian had arranged for a bunch of their friends to meet at Mama's Pizza tonight and did we want to come. We old folks (and believe me Jay and Susan are twenty to twenty-five years younger than me) declined. I fixed  us an antipasto platter--deviled eggs,  the sardine spread on baguettes, hearts of palm, cherub tomatoes, finger sandwiches of that cheese with sundried tomatoes, and tiny bits of ham rolled around cream cheese. Left out the hummus, because there was no room for it on the plate. To me, that's a great way to eat a Sunday supper. We had a lively time--they brought a spike melon that you cut in half and then suck out the ingredients, spitting out the seeds. I passed on that, very intimidating. But we had fun and are ready to face the week.
Actually it's supposed to cool off by Wednesday. We can always hope. I'm afraid Scooby is spoiled by his long aftrnoon naps in his bed.

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