Saturday, January 19, 2019

An open letter to Mike Pence,

Mr. Pence, I am greatly offended by your wife’s acceptance of a teaching position at a school that requires sexual pledges of staff and students. As the second highest elected official in our country you should be thoroughly familiar with our history, our Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution. America is a land of equality for all, regardless of race, religion, or gender. As “devout Christians,” you and Mother Pence should know that nowhere does Jesus forbid or condemn such pesky things as abortion, homosexuality, dining alone with a person of another gender, and a raft of other things that seem to bother you.

I am further offended by the idea of Mother Pence working. Is the budget the problem? Surely you do not need a second income. Is this an appointment for show, a volunteer position that allows the school to boast of the celebrity on its faculty? You both should know better than to walk into that trap.

I feel confident that, as SLOTUS, Mother Pence has enough official duties to keep her so busy that she won’t stray, as you apparently think women are wont to do. Perhaps she can help Mrs. Trump with official entertainment and duties, since the latter person doesn’t seem much interested in those things. Besides, the two women seem like they would be so compatible and share the same values. Think what jolly fun they could have serving tea to members of Planned Parenthood or the National Center for Transgender Equality.

I hereby call for SLOTUS to resign from the “Christian” school forthwith, devote herself to her duties as second lady of our country, with enough time left to volunteer to use her teaching skills to bring art to the students in the public-school system of Washington, D.C., where, as in God’s kingdom, all are welcome.


1 comment:

judyalter said...

Oops! I accidentally erased instead of approving the following comment from Deb:
I do hope they see this in Washington! Although, knowing how they view things, it would be fake news!
I do not understand why she would take such a position. How can they remain working for the President if their views of such things do nothing but condemn the life led by the President?
Unfortunately, it is all too often that the teachings in the Bible are twisted and used at the will of people. Churches do the same thing and it really is heartbreaking.

My reply is that I think there is a sort of smugness in the hypocrisy shown by the Pences. They think they are saved, holy, righteous so what others do doesn't matter. So contrary to Jesus' teachings!