Tuesday, May 01, 2018

A good news day

Going to the ophthalmologist can cut the core out of a day. First you wait for the to dilate your eyes; then you wait so long to see the doctor that you’re sure the dilation has expired. Then you see the doctor for five minutes, and you’ve spent two hours in that office, two hours during which you can barely even read. I’ve been doing that once a month for a while now, and it gets frustrating.

But I have to say today was totally worth it! Every second! The vision in the eye that has had surgery is now a respectable 20/50; the swelling is gone; and the doctor practically did a happy dance around the exam room, he was so pleased. He prescribed drops to maintain the recovery; he advised against any investment in good glasses or sunglasses at this point and said to get drugstore reading glasses. And here’s the biggie: I was told beforehand the cornea probably wouldn’t survive the surgery. Today he said it seems to be fine; if there was damage, I wouldn’t have the good vision that I have. I’m doing the happy dance myself.

And in the doctor’s defense, his morning started with an emergency surgery, which threw him behind. Coming from a medical background, I understand that. And he apologized when he came in to the exam room.

But I didn’t get any work done today, not a lick. Jean drove me to the doctor’s office before she headed for an appointment of her own. Jordan said she had a noon meeting; Christian had appointments at 11:30 and 12:30; I had visions of being stuck in the doctor’s office all day—and they wouldn’t have fed me lunch. As it happened, Jean finished her appointment about when I did—noon—and she came and picked me up.

We were hungry, so we went to Carshon’s. A woman Jean knew came up to talk, Jean introduced me, and guess what the woman said: “Judy Alter, the author?” Jean and I both gave hearty thumbs up. Made my day.

But the uncertainty of the morning, the long wait, plus an early wake-up call made me tired, so of course I checked emails, dealt with some busy details, and went to sleep. And woke up just in time to go to happy hour with good friend Subie. We went to a new wine bar at Clearfork we’d been wanting to try—Cru—and enjoyed it thoroughly, lingered over good wine, charcuteries and a salad. We kept glancing at the dessert the people next to us had but restrained ourselves.

So here I am tonight, too tired to dig in and work, but my Protestant work ethic is bothering me. Ah, well, tomorrow is another day.

Happy May Day everyone.

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