Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Writing about everyday heroes

Please welcome my Wednesday guest, Susan Schreyer, the author of the Thea Campbell Mysteries. The sixth in this locally-set, humorous series, Saving the Queen of Diamonds, has just been released in print and e-book format. Susan lives near the scenes of her murders with her husband, two almost-on-their-own children, a bunch cats, a couple of tame lab rats and the ghosts of a number of family pets of various species. Her horse lives within easy driving distance. Occasionally, Susan makes a diligent effort at updating her blogs "Writing Horses" and "Things I Learned From My Horse," and writes articles for several worthy publications. Mostly, she works on stories about people in the next town being murdered. As a diversion from the plotting of nefarious deeds Susan trains horses and teaches people how to ride them and, when the weather gets to her, works in a veterinarians’ office. She is a member of the Guppies Chapter of Sisters in Crime and is co-president of the Puget Sound Chapter of SinC. When she has a minute she cleans her house and does laundry.


      Hi, my name is Susan Schreyer and I write about people and events on the edge of reality. No, I don’t write paranormal (although part of the fun is the distinctly unexplainable element or two in every book). I write about people with jobs, families, friends and lovers, pets, hopes and dreams -- and conflict. Pretty normal stuff, right?
Now, throw in a murder or two, life-threatening situations with dramatic conclusions and emotionally satisfying endings. Ah, now you see where I’m going. Not the stuff of everyday life, for most of us, right? Especially if you’re not law enforcement, but you do get to put the world right again.
What about the heroism? The “above and beyond” selfless act? Isn’t that pushing at reality? Nope. That’s normal, in my opinion.
“Aw, come on, really?” you say.
Really. Most readers will identify with a character’s struggles, desires, their less-than-noble thoughts, and their failures readily enough. But what about when the chips are down? How often does that elusive chance to shine come our way? Heroism is action everyone can hold to their hearts as something we would at least try to do if presented with the opportunity.
 “Yup, got that part.”
 Good. We’re on the same page. Now, look around you. There are acts of heroism all the time, every day -- even in our own neighborhoods. It’s right-thinking paired with right-action. There’s a hero in each and every one of us, although I don’t think we often recognize it, even when it happens. That’s why I write it. It’s every reader’s chance to say, “Me, too!” and see the hero in ourselves.
These elements are the substance of the Thea Campbell mysteries: excitement and situations that stretch the
limits of reality in a setting that has a high degree of familiarity, then touch on the human desire to participate in heroic action and make the world right. Oh, and one more thing:
Along the way, let’s not forget to laugh! Life, even when very serious, has distinctly farcical moments!

Amazon page:   Smashwords:; Barnes and Noble: webpage: blog (Writing Horses) blog (Things I learned from my horse) Facebook: Twitter: @susanschreyer


Kait said...

That's the key. You know, I have read the entire Thea Campbell series and there was always something I couldn't put my finger on that made me sorry to end the book and impatient for the next. Besides the quality of the writing and the story,that goes without saying. It's the human story that underpins all these novels. The stories are so well plotted and cast that I missed it. These stories are about life and living, real characters, real stories, and the odd murder or two! Well done Susan!

Susan Schreyer said...

Thank you for the high praise, Kait! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the series. Stories that draw me into the characters' lives are the kind that appeal to me, and so I try to write them!