Saturday, September 20, 2014

What a lovely day!

I had a book signing this morning at my favorite spot--The Old Neighborhood Grill right down the street from my house. Seven in the morning is kind of early to get there--I was up at 5:30--but that's when readers come in. And a lot of my friend came for breakfast, which is down home and really good.
My younger son, Jamie, and his wife and two daughters came last night for the occasion.
We had a jolly good time at Joe T.'s for dinner. Above, Jamie's wife and my beloved DIL, Melanie on the left, and Jordan on the right. I am blessed with sweet girls who are also beautiful. I thought it was such a lovely evening with a breeze--then realized it was one of their giant fans blowing on us. Three grandchildren loved it--Jacob got to talk "serious" golf with his beloved Uncle Jamie; Eden entertained herself by sketching hands--she is really good and I foresee a career for our fashionista. (When I suggested she didn't need her sunglasses since it was already dark when we got there, she said, "They're part of the look." Eleven years old!). Maddie did what fifteen-year-olds do--busied herself on her phone. Here's me, leaning back at an awkward angle so everyone sees my double chin, with Eden and Jacob. Jacob has his "I know there's a camera" look on and Eden is just plain gorgeous--ok, I'm prejudiced.
This morning, Jordan was, as she always is, an enormous help. She plans my signings, down to flowers and sign up sheets and raffle drawings; she takes the money, gives change, and charms everybody. I was flattered that most of the people who bought books came exactly to do that, so the Grill got some extra business, not that they needed it. It was, as always on a Saturday morning, crowded. If you read my blog often, you will know about my friend Betty and our dinner adventures--here we are together at the signing this morning. She and her husband, Don, came for breakfast, but Don (a restaurateur, was disappointed that his friend Peter, who owns the Grill, wasn't there). I sold a nice number of books, had a great breakfast, and then we moved on--everyone but me went to Jacob's baseball game (they won! first time this season, and he scored a run or did something else wonderful--not sure about that) and I came home. The Frisco Alters came in about 12:30 with Burger King and Ernesto's (Jamie's favorite tacqueria). I ate cottage cheese--Mexican food once a week is enough for me! Then they left, and I did a little work at my desk and took a long nap--5:30 is too early for me!
Three grandchildren at the Grill--Eden, eleven, Maddie, fifteen (who can believe that?), and Jacob eight. With my longtime friend, Margaret, in the background.
But it was still a dog day--let the dogs out in shifts, with Luke second. Gave him a long lecture on not leaving the yard. (He'd been good earlier in the day.) Looked out after 15 minutes, and he was gone. Drove the neighborhood (while my quiche dried in the oven), finally gave up to come home--and found him across the street. When I called him, his look said, "Hi, Mom, am I glad to see you!" and he hopped right into the car. Calling my friendly contractor Monday morning for fence control. Meantime I have to babysit when he's outside, which means he spends a lot of time in his crate. Will be so glad when we're past this transitions period.
But all in all, a great day. My quiche wasn't too dried out--a bonus.

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