Sunday, March 15, 2009

Entertaining frenzy

My entertaining frenzy is over. Yesterday's brunch for 11 ladies went well, with much help from Betty who brought plates, napkins, flatware, flowers, champagne, oj, and pie crusts (if I'd had to do the latter, I'd have had store-bought--just not one of my cooking talents). I made breakfast pies of sausage, Rotel tomatoes, and cheese with eggs and milk poured over the top and then more cheese. Very good--Jacob ate a whole piece last night, though he scorned my traditional fruits salad with its canned pie filling base. And I had made prune bread, according to Charles' wife's recipe, so today I sent him off with the second loaf--it makes two, but the ladies only ate one.
Jacob spent the night last night, and we had bad potty episodes--I was a failure at training, but he was so upset I didn't push it. Last night, he had a sore bottom, and this morning he was soaked from head to toe and would NOT let me change him until he had his milk. Result: I have to wash his bedding, plus the comforter on the daybed, which probably needed it anyway before he put a big round wet spot on it. And then when I insisted he had to get out of those clothes he cried in misery. When I asked if we were friends, he said, "No." But he gave me a sweet hug and kiss before he left.
Tonight he was back, along with 16 others--13 adults and four children, the oldest two of which (my granddaughters) eat like adults. It was Jordan's b'day dinner, and we had tacos, her usual request. To my mind, tacos are a lot of trouble--all that chopping. This morning I browned and seasoned the meat--half ground chuck and half buffalo. This afternoon, after fortifying myself with a good long nap, I grated cheese, chopped lettuce and scallions, and left the tomatoes for Jordan. I put out olives and sour cream and refried beans along with all that. And Jordan made queso and brought chips, so it was a feast. Christian had gotten a Black Forest cake--but he left it at home and they didn't have the hamburger Jordan insisted she had to have for the queso, so there went poor Christian back to get all those things.
Still, it was fun. I'm fond of Jordan's friends, but Jay and Susan, Melanie and Jamie and I ended up eating on the porch--a tad cool but not bad, and pleasant conversation.
But then the cleanup--when you have all those people and all those different serving dishes on the table, it's a lot of cleanup. My feet hurt, my back is tired, and, matter of fact, my entire body is tired. I refuse to attribute it to age, but I do wear out more quickly these days. Usually sitting for five minutes to rest my back and my feet pretty much restores me, but tonight everything is clean, the dishwasher is running, and I'll leave putting it away until tomorrow.
Haven't exercised in three days! Awful! Hate it when I do that.
Now I'm going to finish that mystery I've been at for days.

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