Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Grief and Outrage

No real blog tonight. I was going to write about the joy of old friends, but it seems somehow trivial in the face of the latest school shooting, one with a high number of victims. I grieve for those students in Florida, for the families who lost children, for the children left behind to live in fear that will haunt them forever. I grieve for my country, where one apparently-deranged person can wreak havoc and ruin so many lives.

I am outraged, but I’ve been outraged before. What good does it do me or the country? I am outraged at those legislators who have pocketed NRA money. I am, in a fit of anger, outraged at anybody who voted these fools into office, which pretty much means any Republican voter. How can they? I want to cry out to the heavens. (I have one dear, dear relative and several friends who voted Republican; some will talk to me about it, but others will not).

I think of my grandchildren. One in college, one in high school, three in middle school, and two in elementary school. They are all vulnerable, though the worst threat so far to the college girl was a man sighted on campus with a sword. Slightly archaic but give me swords over guns any time. But it’s a bit scary to think of them heading to school every day.

I am tired of “We need our guns for self-protection,” and “We have to be able to hunt.” I used to be sympathetic to those arguments, but no more. We need to get rid of guns in the hands of private citizens. Sure, criminals will still get them but in dramatically smaller numbers, and we stand a good chance of keeping them out of the hands of the mentally ill. Look at the buy-back program in Australia or the effective gun control that’s been working in England for years. No, it’s not an impossibility. Internationally, we hold a lot of honors—like the most mass shootings, the most gun deaths.

I know we cannot blame the Trump administration for these shootings, since they started years before. But this administration just did relax controls so that now it is easier for the mentally ill to obtain weapons. I do blame Trump and him alone for setting the mood in this country where it’s okay to be angry, belligerent, hateful and spiteful, and to act on your anger.

I’d been thinking about Trump today before the shooting, and it occurred to me there’s so much about him to dislike, so many changes he has wrought that destroy our democracy, our country, and our way of life. But, unfortunately, they are mostly things that cause us to wring our hands and gnash our teeth. But two things stand out to me as treason, before the Mueller report is even in (which I expect to confirm collusion and more):

Trump has refused to enact the sanctions imposed on Russia by Congress for meddling in our elections (which they are apparently poised to do again, without any concern from the White House), and he has exposed our country to security risks in the guise of highly placed staff who apparently cannot get security clearances. I know nothing of Rob Porter (except that I despise him), but Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, has known, established ties to Russia and no security clearance. Does Donald Jr. have a clearance, he who said they get all their money from Russia these days? (45 should teach his sons to button their lips).

How long as a country do we allow a traitor to sit in the White House and undermine all that we hold dear? Please hurry, Mr. Mueller. And please, those of you who thought your vote didn’t matter, turn out in mass numbers this fall. My grandchildren are depending on you—and so are your children and grandchildren.

Oops, no blog, but I certainly did carry on.


Becky Michael said...

All so true and very well-expressed! I'm afraid that the voting system is now unreliable, however. I wonder if voting through the mail would be a better option...

judyalter said...

I have been voting by mail for years, but I'm not sure if it's more reliable. Seems there would be a lot of ways to scam the system. My impression though is that Russian hackers aim at machines and won't bother with individual mail ballots. The whole thing is overwhelming.

Unknown said...

I agree with most of what you say here, Judy. AR-15s or ANY gun designed for military use should be banned from public purchase. Banning gun shows that allow for anyone to purchase "spot on" is wrong but outlawing gun shows I cannot agree with. I would suggest that if one wishes to purchase a gun at a gun show, that person should be given a "chit" and sent back to a central booth where checks would be held and a receipt given telling the seller that it is all right to sell that person a gun. Then the seller should return the receipts to the central booth where a check could be made to see if any guns were sold "illegally". Some people would really argue about how that is useless as it would be impossible for a few people to check all the guns being sold. That is stupid as with computers being used the "wait time" isn't all that great. And, the number of people running those checks have to be certified and enough people at the central point to handle the possible crowd. One thing you didn't address here is the selling of ammunition for military grade guns. THAT should be illegal too. We definitely need more laws controlling purchases. And that stupid bill Trump signed about the mentally challenged, well, Trump is an idiot in regard to that. And so are the lawmakers who endorsed it. I definitely think guns should not be sold to ANYONE who has to take mood altering prescriptions/drugs. I'm one of those and see no reason at all for me not being banned from purchasing guns or ammunition. People like me should be banned for that reason. There are other reasons too such as those people who were arrested for physical violations such as spousal abuse and those arrested for repeated offenses of physical violence, no one with a prison record should be allowed to purchase guns, etc. As for hunting with an AR-15, that is stupid and should be banned. An AR-15 was not meant to be used by the general public or hunting. Automatic weapons are stupid as well for hunting. I was an avid hunter when I was young but when I returned from Vietnam I had lost all desire to hunt and now the guns that I own are collective pieces from the 19th century, i.e. antiques that were designed for black powder. To use one of those with modern cartridges would be pushing one's own luck as the powder today is far more powerful than black powder and would cause the gun to explode. I have only one modern pistol which is a .22 (low caliber) and that is only because poisonous snakes come up into my yard from the field behind me and I no longer can use a hoe or shovel to kill them given my handicaps which I did before my limitations. Each year I kill five to seven such snakes. I don't know any alternative way of making my place "safe" but if there was one to do the job I sure wouldn't be using a pistol. By the way, if someone wants an AR-15 for his collection, replicas (those incapable of being modified) are available. In fact, most of my western pistols are replicas that I use for decoration in my Cowboy Room in the same category as art. I DO THINK THAT WE NEED STRONGER GUN CONTROL LAWS! AND THOSE LAWS SHOULD CARRY GREATER PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATIONS. As for the oft-stated comment that guns are needed in case we are invaded, etc. well, that is stupidity as well. Today, there is no chance of that happening and if by the wildest stretch of imagination it would happen, amateurs (those with no military experience) would be useless against a professional army. I'm also against automatic weapons. Those who think they need one for hunting are not true hunters or sportsmen. When I was 12 years old in South Dakota I was eligible for getting a hunting license but ONLY after I had gone through a gun safety class and had my "graduation" certificate in hand. Maybe that could be made for ANYONE wishing to purchase a gun regardless of age. Like I said: I do agree with most of what you have said here, though.

Unknown said...

The voting by mail is valuable. I've done that also because it is very hard for me to get to the polls anymore. I also am not sure that it is reliable but I do think it is needed. Yes, there would be a lot of ways to scam the system but, like you, I don't know how that can be eliminated. I really can think of no way that certified voting can be enacted in anyway. The whole thing, as you say, is overwhelming.