Sunday, January 14, 2018

What Goes Around Comes Around, including chicken thighs

Dog night in the cottage. Can you spot the little black dog?

The youngest of my two sons had a birthday last week—not saying which, because it dates me as well as him. But he emailed in response to my birthday message today and recalled the time when he was maybe twelve and I told him I didn’t feel any different than the coeds walking across campus every day. Jamie fell apart laughing.

Recently he was walking on campus in Boulder with his freshman daughter, and he said he thought he fit in pretty well with the college crowd. Her response was apparently much like what he’d given me years earlier. He acknowledged that what goes around, comes around.

A pleasant Sunday today. Jordan was still a bit under the weather, so Christian, Jacob, and I went to church. The sermon was on prayer, and the minister quoted Ann Lamott who suggested the three most important prayers you’ll ever say are, “Help!” “Thanks!” and “Wow!” I really liked that.

Had a good nap this afternoon and slept soundly. First time in over a week that my cough hasn’t kept me awake, so may that cold is leaving.

Left to my own devices for dinner tonight, I decided to do smothered chicken with those thighs from last night. Yes, I had to adjust the recipe a lot, but it worked well. Only Jordan and Christian came to visit, and I thought it rude to cook while they were here. They’d been to Joe T.’s for a four o’clock dinner with his family and were home about the time I was cooking my supper. Finally, they said I should go ahead and cook. So I did. The chicken was great, but I sent the leftover noodles in for Jacob. They didn’t work as well as I thought with the gravy. Still that’s a suggestion I’ll put in the cookbook, though I’d probably do it with a chicken breast instead of thighs—it was just that I had those thighs.

Christian and I had heated political discussions, Jordan and I discussed social schedules, and I was delighted to have their company for the better part of two hours. At one point, as you can see above, Jordan had all three dogs on the couch with her.

Could life get any better? I doubt it.

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