Friday, January 05, 2018

Checking in

When the highlight of your day was a trip to the grocery, with your daughter and grandson, and when you don’t want to keep on talking about the awful mess that is our government, you know you have nothing to blog about. And yet, my conscience strikes back at me. The OCD part of me says I usually blog every day, so why am I taking today off?

Why, indeed? Because I have zilch of interest to say.

The grocery store trip kept getting postponed because Jordan didn’t feel well this morning. That was okay with me, because I’d spent the night coughing and blowing and got up feeling tired. We finally set out a bit after eleven, and Jordan announced since the three of us were together and we didn’t often have the opportunity, we should go to lunch. So the great lunch debate ensued: Jacob declared he wasn’t hungry, I didn’t really want the Italian she suggested, and finally I said, “Fuzzy’s.” So, Jordan had a salad, Jacob had a bowl of Mexican rice, and I had tacos. I like them because of the feta they use and because the lettuce is usually nice and crisp.

Then off to Albertson’s where driving the handicapped cart is always a challenge because they put so many dumps in the aisles. Jacob kept deviling me to want to drive the cart, and I pointed out it said no children. He, a stickler for accuracy, pointed out that it really said no children allowed in the grocery basket part. I did not let him drive it. Chaos would have followed.

We did a fairy efficient shopping and were home by 12:30. I put groceries away and did a couple of other chores, worked a bit, had a good long nap. Cough drops were on my grocery list, and they made all the difference. I slept soundly and woke feeling a bit more refreshed. Hope they work again tonight, though I sense the cold is on its way out. What do they say? Seven days? I should have two to go.

The Burtons were all out this evening, so I wrote, read, cooked myself a lamb chop and some spinach, and had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Now it’s late, and I’m ready for bed. And, look, I got through an entire blog without mentioning Trump of the Republicans. Such restraint!

Somehow that wonderful Molly Ivins quote pops into my mind, so that’s what I’ll end with: “So keep fighting for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't forget to have fun doin' it. Be outrageous... rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through celebrating the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was!” Good night, all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She was outrageous, a tribute to Texas Women. Yea my nephew went to JPS, he didn't consult me first, they said he had the flu. I would have given him a cheap version of Alka Seltzer cold & flu medicine, not hungry, drink broth & hot tea. With the weather we have had Nation wide, a lot of people are going to get sick this Winter.
What can you say that is outrageous about a White House & GOP that isn't already unbelievable? I would love to have Molly's thoughts and words but what would Will Rogers think?