Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dealing with the dog

Sophie, at her leisure, in what she
considers her rightful spot.
You think she might be spoiled?

Sophie, my sweet Sophie who only minds me when it suits her, has developed a new bad habit. She does not like people to visit with me, particularly at happy hour, though she was in fine fettle the other day when a friend came for lunch.

She barks incessantly, and the consensus is that she doesn’t want to share my attention. It probably is, as many have suggested, a case of being spoiled and wanting attention. Last night I tried everything—a treat quieted her until she finished it, and then she started again. Jeannie loved on her, even invited her up to her lap. I loved on her. She’d be quiet for a bit, and then she’d bark again, directly at me. I don’t believe in hitting dogs, but I smacked her lightly on the nose. No result. I tricked her into going outside and closed the door. She bounced against the door until I was afraid she’d bring down my magnetic screens. This is one determined dog. Jeannie suggested it’s the border collie in her—she was herding us, wanting us to do what she wanted.

Today it occurred to me that she might have been hungry, because she did bark after Jeannie left. So tonight, I fed her early. She sniffed and turned away, with a look that clearly said, “You want me to eat now?” Tomorrow I think I’ll feed her just a bit in the morning and then cut her evening rations.

Of course, to test that, I need another happy hour guest. Any volunteers?

Rainy this morning, with thunder. Found myself in bed with a needy dog, and I lingered late again. When you don’t get up until eight, the morning isn’t very long. And the rain made me less anxious to get serious about work. I fiddled with email and Facebook and other distractions until Teddy came to walk and declared it too slippery to do the driveway. We walked the path to the gate twice, and I was out of breath—not winded, but out of breath.

Lunch fare of the day: Buffalo eggs. I pickled some eggs and then deviled them with a bit of blue cheese, parsley, celery, and mayonnaise. Since neither Jordan nor I are Tabasco fans, I left that out. Really good. That and the remnants of the pasta salad I made over the weekend added up to a good, light lunch.

After lunch I got serious and wrote my thousand words for the day. Plus in the afternoon I made progress on the book I’m reading to review.

Tonight, Betty and I went to Pacific Table and split trout almandine—so good.

Tomorrow, more rain. Who can believe. Outside tonight it’s already in the seventies. Not sure I’m in Texas.

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