Monday, September 21, 2015

Short blog on whining

 Short blog tonight because all I would do is whine about my hip and back. Instead of wallowing in my pity party, I’m taking some steps forward. Will have a nerve conduction test on my legs tomorrow; will make arrangements to have another osteopathic treatment; and will make a new physical therapy appointment at the clinic where I went so successfully before.

Today I reached the nadir of my self-pity. Hip hurt so badly I could barely walk, lurching from one solid substance, like a table, to another, like a door frame. Had to ask Jordan to get someone to bring Jacob home. But I know that’s no way to live, and I won’t live like that forever. So I took some positive steps. By this evening, my hip is better, which my brother tells me is just from moving around. However he did agree that maybe I overdid it over the weekend—two grocery stores and the hardware one day, and dinner for four the next. So today I declined, with regret, lunch with two of my very favorite friends.

But I’m moving forward, folks. Just watch my dust. And do you know how wonderful leftover mushroom stroganoff tastes the next day? Oh my. Heavenly.

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