Monday, December 26, 2022

A doggie day


Sophie taking full advantage of her 
status as a sickie.

The day after Christmas, to me, usually represents a sign to buckle down and get to work. Oh sure, there’s still New Year’s, and it’s a big deal—but it’s secular, not religious, and not in the same category as Christmas. Nor is it accompanied by the same frenetic activity—shopping, wrapping presents, cooking, a huge meal on the table. New Year’s kind of slides in on the heels of a late-night celebration the night before. So, December 26 is a day to begin that trek back to reality, carrying with you, if possible, the glow and joys of the holiday.

And so it started at my house. But Sophie soon got all my attention. I have been for a couple of days nervously alternating between waiting for our vet to open on Tuesday and rushing her off to the emergency vet. The latter is always ungodly expensive and usually involves, as it would have today, a long wait.

So this morning, Christian convinced me that since Soph was drinking water and peeing, she could wait until Tuesday morning. “Just watch her,” he said, so I did—like a hawk. By noon, she hadn’t drunk any water, hadn’t gone outside to pee, and walked like a drunken sailor. A survivor of acute kidney failure myself, I was terrified of dehydration and the effect on kidneys. In short, I panicked and announced it was time to go to the emergency animal clinic.

Jordan called, found out that the wait was between three and five hours, and Christian said, “She drinks in our house. Let’s take her in.” Sure enough, the little beast drank two bowls of water, peed, had a nap with Jordan, and generally acted much better. Back in the cottage, she ate a bit of dog food and a few slivers of cheese.

Tonight she will sleep in the house with Jordan, because Jordan sweetly said it’s time I got a good night’s sleep. I was getting up with Soph two and three times a night and spending an inordinate amount of time coaxing her back into the cottage. First thing tomorrow I will call to get her in at the vet’s.

Meantime, Cricket wants you all to know that Christmas absolute exhausted he. Exhausted, I tell you!

Cricket asleep by the tree.

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