Monday, February 03, 2014

Another book signing--and a weary lady

my support crew at the Saturday signing
Some authors go on two-week book signings or even longer. I have no idea how they do it--I've done two signings in three days, and I'm exhausted. Of course, in between I had a houseful of family, went to the stock show and Joe T. Garcia's for dinner, and cooked breakfast for eleven people. Then came dishes and laundry. And I've sent off a guest blog, drafted another one, sent off a book review, gone to have blood drawn at the doctor's and gone shopping at Central Market. I don't think I need to feel too guilty that I haven't gotten back to my exercise program--there's no time in the day.
Tonight Jordan and I repeated Saturday's signing, and I have to say Peter Schroeder's wisdom about the best time to sign was borne out--we sold about four times more books Sat. morning than we did tonight. But there were compensations--good friends came and stayed for dinner. We visited with Lon Burnam and Carol Roark, sort of watching hungrily while they ate. And then in-laws Patty and Ralph came in, and we ended up having dinner together and a wonderful, long visit--probably longer than we've ever sat and talked to them at one stretch. I sold a respectable number of books, got some new names for my mailing list, and generally spread the good will, which is what I think book
 signings are in large part about.
Jordan as usual was organized to the nth degree--books in stacks, each with a price tag (from which she sold), books on display holders (we call them zogs for what reason I don't know) on the signing tale, mailing list sign-up sheets and a plethora of pens. She took cash and checks, made change when necessary, and chatted with everyone. Such a good pr person. Poor Christian had lots of chores tonight--he went clear out to their house to play with their dogs for a bit, then came by my house to get the hearing aids I'd forgotten and to let in Sophie, who had also been forgotten outside. She doesn't seem to hold a grudge about it however.
I finished the rather long book I was reading for review and sent off the review, so tomorrow, when I take a friend for a colonoscopy, I'm going to sink into the pleasure of a good, light-hearted mystery. But after that my list of errands is long. I discovered this weekend when sons come to visit, they can find a list of problems--a filthy car, a broken vacuum (perhaps beyond repair, he tells me) and evidence of possible foundation problems in my house. It will take me till his next visit to get done the things he pointed out.

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