Friday, July 25, 2014

The quiet of solitude

Sophie and I are a little lost tonight. We've had Jacob with us for four nights, Granted, he tended to spend the evening in the back of the house in "his room" as he calls the family room, while I was in my office in the front. But I knew he was there, and sometimes I checked on him, took him a drink, and sometimes he came to ask me something or for a treat. Always I knew there was another person in the house. And then there was the business of getting teeth brushed and other nightly rituals and coercing him into bed--"Just five more minutes, Juju!" The hardest part about having Jacob is figuring out what to feed him that he'll eat--I fear he had way too much peanut butter and honey these last few days!
Tonight our "staycation" is over, and he's gone back home. Sophie takes his absence with equanimity--his attention to her is sometimes intense but often sporadic, and now she sleeps peacefully in her chair.
I am enjoying lazy solitude--reading a book that I will probably finish tonight, looking forward to a new copy of Southern Living, and ignoring that "to do" pile on my desk that has to at least be sorted. Like Scarlett, I'll think about that tomorrow.
Have a great weekend everyone!


Kait said...

Enjoy the free time Judy. Having company is so much fun, but there is something luxurious about the first day alone after company leaves.

judyalter said...

LOL Kait. As all twelve of us, including her husband, were leaving her house last weekend,I confessed to my DIL that I knew exactly how she felt. When they all left my house after a weekend of fun, the dog,cat and I used to look at each other and breathe a huge sigh of relief.