Friday, October 20, 2023

Taking the night off

Sophie, my companion in isolation

No blog tonight. This morning, Jordan and I tested positive for covid. We’re both okay, just lethargic and not at all hungry. I think I live such a reclusive life back here in my cottage, but it was amazing this morning how many people I had to notify, appointments to cancel. I think I got everyone, and now I’m getting you, my blog friends.

One thing I learned today and am passing along in case it will help someone else. We’ve all heard that if you get covid, you should start Paxlovid right away—it keeps the disease from turning severe. So I was ready to send someone to the drugstore, but Jordan wisely said, “Let’s call the doctor first.” I see a physician and she sees a PA in the same clinic (which is where we think we were exposed, through no fault of theirs). We saw the PA virtually, and she said I cannot take Paxlovid because I am on a blood thinner.

So my warning is twofold—if you get covid, be sure to check with your physician before you rush off to self-medicate, and if you are on a blood thinner, do not take Paxlovid.

We are to isolate for five days—as Jordan said, it’s good we can hang out together—and then mask in public for five days. So if I don’t blog, you’ll understand, I hope.


Anonymous said...

Rest up, friend—I will wait patiently on the blog.

Judy Alter said...

Thank you.