Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Political puzzlements


Every once in a while, my anger, my indignation gets the best of me, and I feel the need to dip into matters political in this blog. Tonight is such a night. If you want to turn away, I’ll understand. The source of my puzzlement is of course the man some have referred to as the orange buffoon. Now thoroughly disgraced in the eyes of most of us, he is still front and center in the daily news. So I’m throwing out some things that puzzle me, not expecting hard and fast answers, but perhaps some will share their thoughts

We hear constantly about trump’s plans for his next term as president, as though it were a given certainty. Much of what he plans to do is apparently illegal, but he’s good at manipulating, and I have no doubt, back in office, he would consolidate power in the presidency. That’s one of the more scary thoughts, considering the direction he took the country in his term—disease uncontrolled, debt ballooning out of sight, international relationships destroyed, environmental controls ignored and cancelled, infrastructure improvements promised but never delivered.

But so much that indicates that he will never hold office again. For starters, most Americans think he deserves a trial and punishment, and if statistics are right, most of us assume he has done at least half of what he’s accused of. So who’s going to vote for him? (I know—the cult; but how big are their numbers?)

Legal scholars, even conservative ones, are coming forward in recent days to declare that the fourteenth amendment absolutely means trump is ineligible to hold any federal office because instigated a revolution against our country and violated his oath of office. Even though that has not yet (stress yet) been determined in a court of law, most folks agree. But if that’s true, and if the Senate has to vote on his eligibility (I think that’s the way it works), who is going to put that in motion? We can talk about it for two years, but it shouldn’t wait until after an election.

Then there’s the question of his mental stability—just ask his niece, Dr. Mary Trump. Or maybe we don’t have to ask her. Clearly, he is impulsive, uncontrolled, without compassion or intellect or any idea of the social bounds that govern most of us in our daily lives. Does he fit the definition of a psychopath? Sociopath? I’m no expert, but it seems to me experts are testifying, granted at a distance, to his instability. So once again, who puts things in motion? The 25th amendment is no help now, since it applies to sitting presidents. So who declares a candidate mentally unfit for office? It’s a question not much considered in elections in our long history. But we have never before elected a man like Donald J. trump.

On the other side of these weighty questions are the MAGA folks who are threatening to shut down the government unless the DOJ backs off all charges against trump. I’m not sure the American people would stand for that, let alone elect him. Why would we let a minority dictate that the rule of law be abandoned?

Yet these folks seem convinced of the rightness of their arguments, and I am left puzzled. Do they really believe, in the face of all the evidence and court cases, that the 2020 election was stolen? And do they really believe that President Biden weaponized the DOJ to help him defeat trump in 2024. They have watched trump throw most of his colleagues under the bus—do they not realize they could be next? And do they really believe that they can sway the 2024 election by hounding Hunter Biden for being the president’s son?

How many American voters assess the candidates logically when deciding on their votes? I’m afraid it’s a disappointing number. If people were paying attention to policy, they would see that the Democratic policies, as enacted by President Biden, have put our country on an upward path—economically, internationally, environmentally, etc. Those logical voters will see that the Republicans have no policies, no plans for the American future. They are too busy trying to blame Biden and his family for what they call the disastrous path that America is on.

In some ways, it all comes back to education—and that explains why DeSantis, Abbott, and other Republicans are trying to destroy public education. An educated voter will see through the smokescreen of lies and choose the party and leader who has solid plans for the future of the country.

I sure would welcome some comments.

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