Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bitter end to a good day


The sun came out, the snow started to melt, and my hot water came back on. Great day. But a nagging something in the back of my mind told me it wasn’t over yet. This afternoon Jordan and Christian were out for a long time, came home late, and she put a casserole in the oven—so it was 7:45 before she brought it out here. Christian followed and said in the most solemn voice, “Jordan. I need to see you right now.”

They and three teenage boys gathered around an access hole to the deck and, watching from my window, I was afraid a dog had fallen down the hole. Jacob came to tell me the pipe, repaired two weeks ago, had burst—Christian say it’s the connection came loose, but I think the plumber may think it more serious. Anyway, I told Jacob they’d have to turn the water off at the street. Of course, no tools, and it was so stuck they couldn’t do it. A neighbor came to help. So now, with my hot water newly back on, I have no water!

To complicate things, I’d been trying to call our plumber all week just to ask if waiting out the hot water was the best thing, and I kept getting that annoying message from the phone company that my call could not be completed. I’ve done business with that plumbing company for twenty-five years and hate to switch to one where I am an unknown customer. Tonight, I think I have the cell phone for the plumber who always answers our calls. Left a message but will call again first thing in the morning.

Jordan brought me one pitcher of water, very heavy, which she said was to use to flush the potty. I told her I’d rather use it to wash hands, brush teeth, etc. But it is indeed very heavy.

Yesterday a good friend emailed they had a pipe burst (also an old house) and were collecting snow in the bathtub for flushing. She sent a picture of icebergs floating in their tub. And that’s when I suspected that maybe getting rid of the tub in a remodeling wasn’t without its drawbacks.

In the melee, Sophie got locked out of the house. Talk about an indignant dog. She’s unhappy anyway because we have run out of the treats she usually gets with her dinner. They shipped, but we’ve had no deliveries. Can’t explain that to a dog, so she barks at me. She is now inside, and I have given her a bit of Velveeta as compensation.

I just knew we’d gotten off too light. But still, I am grateful. I think we are among the fortunate few. We’ll be fine.


Kristine said...

Know you're hanging in there and rolling with the punches. Pretty soon we'll get warmed up enough to repair and recover.

judyalter said...

We are hanging in there because compared to so many others, we have been so fortunate. Plumber (by now a twenty-year friend--ah, the joys of old houses) says as soon as he can but it may be tomorrow. That's better than I hoped for.

Thanks, Judy