Friday, January 29, 2021

A recluse in pandemic

Jordan brought me these gorgeous roses today
as a reward for good medical appointments all week
Aren't they a magnificent color?

People are increasingly restless with the restrictions of pandemic. They want to go to restaurants and concerts and museums, they want to travel and see families and hug loved ones. I want to become a recluse.

The mood came upon me this week, probably because I had to leave my cottage and go somewhere every day. All I could think about was how much I wanted to stay home. With my computer and my dog. Of course, I don’t stay home alone—I have Jordan, Jacob, and Christian in and out of the cottage which makes a huge difference, one I am much appreciative of.

But I have no taste right now for dressing up, putting on make-up, and getting out in the world. I look back on all the years I did that and wonder if it was some different person.

It’s not that I have an all-consuming project on my desk. I am nearly through with the edits I’ve been reviewing, and I’m at loose ends about what I’ll take up next. But I have faith if I’m quiet and listen to myself, something will come before me that I really want to do. Meantime there are books to read, dishes to cook, naps to take.

Ah, the naps. I may still be getting my strength back, but I napped for an hour today before Sophie wanted to go out. Let her out but she came barging back in rather quickly, so I shut the door behind her and went back to bed for another long nap.

It’s not that I’m anti-social. I welcome friends, two at a time, who are also quarantining. In pleasant weather, we visit on the patio, masked and socially distanced, and I find the company refreshing. I’d soon get tired of my own voice and thoughts.

I’m reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, that in-depth exploration of Savannah that is now several years old. I decided it was time I read some of the books “everyone” has already read, and I’m enjoying it. Another plus for the recluse life.

I have a friend who says she goes nowhere, sees no one not because she’s afraid of getting the virus (though I admit I am—statistically it would not be a good thing for me) but because she doesn’t want to give it to anyone else. Valid reasoning, and yet another reason to stick to home.

So for the time being, I’m pulling up the drawbridge and letting the world go by. I’m sure this is a temporary phase. I’m too much of a people person to become a permanent recluse. It just sounds good for the nonce.


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