Sunday, November 04, 2018

Home again, home again, jiggedy jig

Same picture, three days later
Do we look a little more tired

There’s so much anticipation, even excitement about going away, just for a long weekend. You’ll see people you miss, do things you don’t get to do at home, eat at different restaurants—it’s a real high.

Coming home is always nice, in a different way. Although you’d think, by contrast, it might be low key, it’s not. For me, there’s again a sense of anticipation as familiar sights appear, a comforting sense of relief when we drive in our own driveway. As if I’ve been holding my breath, minding my manners, and been on my best behavior. Now I can let my hair down—well, it’s too short for that—and be myself.

 We came home on the Vonlane bus today in the early afternoon. Had lunch, wine. I read. A good trip. And once home, we were greeted by an enthusiastic Sophie, who sniffed all over everything. Clearly, she smelled the Austin dog—sweet Eddie, a poodle much tinier than Soph. And, of course, we were greeted by Christian, who picked us up and seemed glad to see us. He’s now fixing meatloaf for Sunday supper, which I think is about the nicest welcome home offering he could do.

But coming home also entails work. Unpacking, hanging all those clothes up, sorting out the mail you’ve missed. I came home to a couple of welcome checks in the mail and some bills to take care of, plus I had saved several things on my computer that I needed to print out—tracking receipts, etc. Of course, tonight was the time the printer chose to have a paper jam and then tell me it’s out of ink. But I have waded through the mess and straightened my desk into a sort of orderly mess that I at least understand.

And now it’s barely time to take a breath before Thanksgiving is upon us, and Christmas fast on its heels. I ordered Christmas bags today because I will see some of my children at Thanksgiving and not at Christmas, so I must have their presents wrapped in a couple of weeks.

Lots to do in the days ahead. I feel the holidays coming on. And that’s a great, exciting thing!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Glad you made it home safely. It is nice to go away, but always much nicer to come home! Even if it is just for a day, I do love coming back to my own place.