Saturday, August 18, 2018

Surfing the net can be, ah, enlightening

As I wait to straighten out my stomach problems—pretty sure it’s a medication problem now, but fixing it involves going from one doctor to the other, always tricky—I’ve found myself spending way too much time on Facebook. I have friends who say to me loftily that they don’t “do” Facebook, their tone implying a sort of addiction for the weak-minded. But I have always maintained that it is good for my career and, besides, it generally interests me. You really must learn to separate the junk from the good stuff, but even the junk can give you a laugh.

Like the piece I read today where a Fox newscaster proposed that the reason America is so great today is that “we defeated communist Japan.” Oops. Someone needs some lessons in world history, particularly WWII.

And along the line of blindness, Steve Scalise wrote me upset that I have not yet sent my donation to the RNCC. Hope he’s holding his breath until he turns blue, because it will be a long, cold day before I donate to the Republican anything. Scalise, like Nunes, pleads that the Republicans might lose control of the House—not my worst nightmare by a long shot. Honest, I thought surviving that life-threatening gunshot would have “shot” some remorse or self-examination into him, but apparently not.

On an encouraging note, I read a buried post that the Pentagon has decided to postpone trump’s extravagant military parade, first scheduled for Veteran’s Day this year. They are now looking at dates in 2019. Pray God this is true, and trump is out of office before the parade can cost us much. [Update: this is apparently now, two days later, a done deal, and the parade is toast—a big of common sense lingers on the horizon, thank heaven!]

On a light note, a friend posted the “recipe” for coca-cola syrup, dating back to who-knows-when. But I was surprised it called for a quarter of lime juice—that’s a lot of limes to squeeze, back when I’m not sure margaritas or guac were that central to our diet. Add a lot of water, a quart of alcohol (type unspecified—suppose it was Everclear?), 30 lbs. of sugar (and run to the dentist), and several flavorings including neroli oil, which sounds deadly. No wonder I don’t drink it. Unfortunately, it didn’t say how much you end up with, but I get it’s enough for Coxie’s Army. Thanks, Chrissy Armstrong for a chuckle.

And thanks to another old friend from Park Hill days, Kathy Jackson, for a reminder of the days when I had a good-sized floor loom set up in my bedroom. I suspect I was never a peaceful enough soul to get into the rhythm of weaving. I consider that my loss.

Most of this blog post was written two days ago and, as happens these days, got set aside. Part of my new resolve is to blog daily, beginning today, but I just can’t waste already-written copy. So here it is, for whatever it’s worth. More to come.

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