Sunday, January 15, 2017

Twas a dark and stormy night

It really was a dark and stormy night in North Texas, and that led to all kinds of complications at my house. Jordan was making a Reuben meatloaf for supper—delicious and a whole ‘nother story—so she brought the ingredients out to the cottage to mix. And got trapped by rain. I remembered belatedly that storms were predicted for tonight, but they suddenly arrived, complete with thunder and lightning. Jordan was trapped in the cottage.

She went in and out of her house as the rain subsided. Dinner time came, and Christian was still at the grocery store. He arrived home but was making some unusual potatoes for dinner—Gruyere, cream and potatoes. Dinner was late. So was my pain pill, which I really began to long for. I managed to get it; then my meatloaf arrived, sans potatoes. Jacob brought it and stayed in the cottage. He reported that my nice level patio was flooded.

In rapid order Jacob helped me get in bed—I thought I’d ease my hip/back pain by reading in bed. Barely in bed, I had to use the potty. Jacob helped me with that but I drew the line at any help beyond seeing that I was seated, most of which I can do myself. So there I was, trapped on the pot as it were. Jordan to the rescue, dashing through the rain and floods. She helped me get back in bed…and that’s how I found myself in bed when they had all come out here to keep me company foo supper.

Now, at nine-thirty, I’m back at my desk but headed to bed soon. Jacob and Christian have gone into the house, and Jordan is watching a show on her iPad. It’s still raining with more predicted.

A good day today—I wrote slightly over a thousand words and still read quite a bit in the current mystery on my bookshelf. When I wrote I found it was one of those days when the ideas kept coming. Two or three times my muse turned silent and when that happened I quit. In a bit I’d have another thought and go back to the manuscript. I can’t say I’m one of those writers who can focus for four hours—my focus is sporadic, at least right now. When I go to bed, I often think about what’s going to happen next.

Reuben meatloaf: You’d never get Christian Burton to eat sauerkraut, but he loves a Reuben dip I make, so I thought he might like the meatloaf. He agreed. It’s essentially ground beef, sauerkraut, rye crumbs, Russian dressing, and sweet relish. I thought I had relish but didn’t so we used Thousand Island dressing which has relish in it. Christian couldn’t find shredded Swiss, so they laid slices on top of the loaf. I loved it, thought it tasted more like pork than beef. Can’t testify to the potatoes--dinner was in shifts and I haven’t tried them yet.

A note about Jacob: he is, by nature, a kind and caring child. Lately he’s made sure to come to the cottage and give me a hug at least once a day. He’s anxious to do caregiver chores and when he does, he’s gentle and careful with me. Tonight he was concerned when I told him I could get in the bed alone. “I’ll just stand right here,” he said, planting himself next to the wheelchair.

Before my mobility went downhill, as in disappeared, he used to spend the night out here, at first sleeping in my bed and then on the couch. He wants to again but with a night-time caregiver there’s no room for him. This Wednesday, the night before my surgery, all my kids will be here and one (undecided as yet) will stay in the cottage. Jacob will sleep with that one on the couch, which pulls out to a double bed.

But I am so proud of and delighted by Jacob’s concern and care. I hope it springs from affection ,a seed planted when he was younger and we spent a lot of time together.

I’ve discovered that I’m quite comfortable reading in bed, if I lie on my side and read on my iPhone I’m looking forward tonight to snuggling in my bed, with my dog who refuses to leave my side in this weather, and reading Dead Cold Brew.

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