Monday, November 09, 2015

Computer Woes, Neat Drawers, and Glorious Hot Showers

This used to be a jumbled mess you
had to paw through to find what you needed
The day started off badly—my remote keyboard and mouse apparently died overnight. New batteries and anything else I could think of didn’t help. Off to Staples to buy new. Got them home and they didn’t work. Called Staples support, who was of little help until it dawned on me I had to turn the computer off and then when I rebooted it would recognize the new equipment. Worked like a charm.
Then I had to call Amazon’s self-publishing division. The files I sent were all correct but in entering information I misspelled peacock—so a gentleman with not good English corrected it, by misspelling it a different way. Hope I’ve got that corrected now and it will be available on Amazon soon. It’s already up as an e-book—print is what I worry about.

Jordan took a day off and spent much of it organizing my kitchen and bathroom drawers—disorder distracts her. She bought wire baskets to put things in and was happy as a clam sorting and organizing. I avoid such things, which is why I had junk drawers, and I am profoundly grateful.

Inaugurated (christened?) my new shower today now that grab bars are in…and I may shower three times a day now. I can sit with a hand-held nozzle and soap without fear of falling. Sheer luxury. Cleaner than I’ve felt in months. Then Jacob took a shower, turned off all the lights except the one over the shower, and “chilled.” We both love it.

Dinner (leftover homemade sloppy Joe) in front of the fire with Chandry. Nice way to end a good day.

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