Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to school

Sweet Lily B. (Lily B. Clayton Elementary), Jacob's school
We went to meet Jacob's new first-grade teacher tonight, and I was drawn back in years . I don't remember visiting classrooms before the first day of school, nor do I remember that the classrooms were so thoroughly prepared for my children. Jacob's desk is assigned, with his name on it and a ruler of some sort; his name is on the "behavior board"--when I pointed that out to him, he said, "I know, I know." There was a packet on the desk with information to be filled out, and an important part of the whole event was for parents to indicate how the child woud be picked up. That was why I was there--so the teacher would recognize me when I came to get Jacob. But it was all so ready and so tailored to each individual child--I was truly impressed. Jacob was excited. He will have at least two good buddies in his class this year, and it's nice that it's a different mix from last year--he'll make new friends.
There was a "social hour" in the cafeteria and I found myself in a whole new part of the school that never existed when my youngest, Jacob's mother, went there--classrooms and the cafeteria. The cafeteria I remember was where the school library is now...and where they seem to be having big-time foundation problems or something. There have been backhoes and all sorts of equipment working at the school for a month or so and huge areas are still marked off with danger tape--not a good way to begin the year.
But sitting in the cafeteria, watching my daughter "work the room," hugging this one and that, I was again grateful that part of raising children is long behind me. Jordan is going to be active in PTA this year (or is it PTO these days?) and they'll attend all the events. I'll go only when Jacob is performing in one capacity or another. And I'm glad, nay delighted, I don't have to do any more school carnivals and the like.When they have their neighborhood walk in September I'll sit on my porch and wave. I think all that is a benefit of aging.
After the meet-and-greet, we went with two other families to the Neighborhood Grill for dinner--the children had their own table and were delighted and wild. Fun times, but I was glad to be home. As we left, one of the dads said, "I bet everyone in there was glad to see us leave." I agreed.
Gosh! Am I getting curmudgeonly? Don't want to do that!

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