Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm not a graceful traveler. My horoscope sign is Cancer, and that means I'm a homebody. But I certainly don't want to be home alone on Christmas, so this year I'm going to Houston to be with Colin and his family. It will be a great chance to get to know Morgan (3) and Kegan (1-1/2) better--usually when we meet, it's among throngs of family. I'm leaving in the morning, at 9 a.m., riding with one of Jordan's colleagues who is going to Galveston for a cruise. Jordan said they could just let me out on I-45, which gave me visions of being shoved out the door of a car. Then Lisa said to tell them to take me to I-45 and 1960, but I complained I did not want to be left at an intersection--I wanted a McDonald's or something, a Stop 'n Go, some definite place. So they came up with a hot dog place--the name is in my purse--and Lisa said Colin will no doubt want to eat there. But, per orders from Jordan, I am taking a sandwich in the car--and some cookies.
I have spent today doing all those last-minute things you do when you're about to turn your house over to someone else for ten days--laundry, watering plants, dishwasher, cleaning the cat box thoroughly, sorting out what to give Jordan from the fridge. A former student will stay here Sunday and Monday since it will be very cold and Scooby can't stay outside; then Sue will take over. Her parents arrive Tuesday, so it works well for her to sleep either in the main house or in the apt.--her choice, unless it gets bitterly cold again. I told her she might find it more trouble to sleep with my animals than in a crowded small house with her parents and kids.
Tonight Jacob is spending the night. We had a jolly evening--periods of watching a DVD followed by periods of play and conversation I didn't quite get all of. Just now, at my desk, I heard this other-worldly voice calling, "Juju, Juju." I looked out the window, even went to the door, wondering if Sue's kids were out there. But Scooby didn't bark, and then of course I realized it was Jacob on the monitor. So I went in and loved him and told him he'd have a good sleep and Mommy and Daddy would come in the morning. He said, "Okay" and appeared to settle down. Earlier we watched a movie about "Do Claus" (Santa) and he commented on the "shew lights"--Christmas lights. Jacob is nothing if not imaginative.
I'm going to write some Christmas thank-you notes and go to sleep early. It will be a hectic morning, trying to juggle Jacob and last-minute packing.

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